So, yesterday I got to do something that was all I wanted from the universe at one point in my life: I saw One Direction in concert. If I'd gone to a show last summer I would've been shitting my pants and crying at the same time. I had a problem and I'm not afraid to admit it. However, now I've done some soul searching and have gotten past that part of my life. But, through some unforeseen circumstances, Liz and I got to attend their show yesterday at the Lincoln Center stadium in Philadelphia.
We had floor seats pretty close to the stage. Before the show started, they were playing videos on the big screens. If anything related to One Direction played, there were screams. I saw one little girl freak out during their perfume ad. I was prepared for it to be loud but damn.
The opening act was 5 Seconds of Summer (of course) which is a band of four Australian boys. I don't listen to them but I think I might start. They sound like a pop punk band that would play at Warped which (of course) I'm into.
One Direction's set was SO LONG like I think they just performed the whole album they're touring and then some. They're a very energetic bunch with great vocals. There were some unruly girls who didn't follow securities rules but on the whole I can't complain.There was this really weird moment where this woman was yelling at Harry to hug her daughters bear (idk).
Now, I understand that I'm a 23- year- old woman who shouldn't be listening to some boy band and people will judge me for enjoying their music. I hate the sighs and eyerolls I get when people find out I like their music. For one thing, I find it silly to judge a person based on the music that makes them happy. I know it's hard to do this, I find myself doing it. But just because I don't like the same music as someone else doesn't mean they or I have bad taste in music, just that it's different. Also, I don't understand why people think that One Direction's target audience is young girls or children. I saw some kids there, but mostly it was girls my age or close to it. The boys have some very... provocative songs and some stage moves I'm sure mothers wouldn't want the little ones to see. Essentially I'm saying they sing about sex and grab their dicks on stage. Their show isn't exactly geared towards children. They are designed to engage girls their age and I'm very aware that I'm totally buying into some corporate mess. Let me morally worry about that.