Thursday, July 24, 2014

Kind of a book post. (Broadway Meets Classic Lit Post)

I'm almost done with "Cinder" so get ready for me to spew some stuff about that gem. But in the mean time, I had another cool experience yesterday that I'd like to share OKAY COOL LET'S GET STARTED.
Yesterday was my roommates birthday (happy birthday booskers). My gift to her was the warped tour thing and hers to me (mine is in a week woo) was what we did yesterday even though it was her birthday. She bought us tickets to go see the play version of John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men" in New York with James Franco, Chris O'Dowd, Leighton Meister, and some other people idk. \
We took the train into the city and on the way there I re-read the novel. I read it when I was like 16 but I wanted a refresher. This is where the "kind of a book post" part comes in. Now, I know Steinbeck isn't YA or current or whatever but good storytelling is good storytelling regardless of genre or time and place. "Of Mice and Men" centers around two friends, Lennie and George, traveling doing ranch work in California during the 1930's. They sort of look after each other but mostly it's George looking after Lennie due to Lennie being a bit... off. Lennie gets in trouble a lot and George has to bail him out.
Now, reading the book I didn't get this but in seeing it portrayed before my very eyeballs, parts were actually kind of funny. Franco and O'Dowd together were really great and had the best chemistry between them. But at the same time the story is so beautiful sigh it was just so good.
Also this is how close we were to the stage I WAS THIS CLOSE TO JAMES FRANCO DO YOU UNDERSTAND???!


  1. Steinbeck is always current, goofy. The beauty of the classics. Glad that you had a good time. And glad you had a good excuse to read my man ;)

    1. Haha I'd say he's always relevant. I'm glad we had the chance to go see it too :) and that I revisited the novel I forgot how good it is.
