Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Kelsey's Classics 3 (Non- YA Book Recommendation)

I'm still on my hiatus from YA lit. I think I'll come back soon but idk who knows I have lots of books on my shelf currently that aren't YA. ANYWAY I totally forgot about another non-YA novelist that I really enjoy. I just started (I'm assuming) his most recent book "The Buried Giant" and am totally into it. I'm talking about Kazuo Ishiguro.
The book of his I'm going to consider one of my classics is "Never Let Me Go" which got an equally heartbreaking movie. This novel is a quasi- dystopian setting in which we've reached the level in science where we are cloning people for their organs. These clones (children) are raised in various "schools" to make sure they stay healthy for the people they are intended to be organ donors for. Once they reach adulthood they go off to start giving their donations. The novel centers around one particular school, Hailsham, and three of it's students. It's weird because like the clones kind of understand what it is they are made for but not really, not until they're being sent out. And the reason the novel is about this one school is because the person who runs it has the kids make art which is unusual for a clone school and there are rumors among the other schools as to why Hailsham is so different.
This book raises a lot of questions regarding science and the value of all types of life and human emotions and OUR SOULS.  It's also like really truly tragic. There's no happy ending or feeling of hope at the end. Which probably doesn't sound like something I'd enjoy but I swear I don't just like fantasy/ romance YA lit. But ugh this book is so good and Ishiguro is a great storyteller. So you should give it a chance. Or not idk.
(these are the three students I was telling you about)

Friday, May 15, 2015

Captain Swan 4 Lyfe (A TV Post)

So I had a thought. I'm a giant nerd about numerous things and I think I've touched on most of them on this here blog except one: TV. It only occurred to me because I watched the season finale of "Once Upon a Time" last night and boy it was rough.
Before we get into OUaT let me just paint a picture of the kind of TV nerd I am. Of course I watch "Game of Thrones" and I also love "Bates Motel" because of my slight obsession with horror. I also love all things superhero so I watch "The Flash" and had a problem that was "DareDevil" and when I say problem I mean I loved it so much I couldn't stop and now I'm left with Murdock withdrawals. I also watch quite a bit of anime which you already know and that really isn't relevant.
Okay so you get it I'm one of THOSE people (the really cool ones... right?). So on to OUaT. As we all know I'm obsessed with all things fairytale and Disney related so I instantly fell in love with this show. It was a situation where my family didn't see me for days while I was catching up. If you also watch OUaT you'll know that you can never get too comfortable . Sure the current situation always gets figured out and for like thirty seconds everything is fine then some other shit happens. The episode I watched last night was especially heart breaking and UGH I wish I could just go on and on as to why but people don't like spoilers sigh. And now I have to wait till the fall shows start to find out what happens next???? HOW DARE YOU ONCE UPON A TIME??!?!?!!
Sigh I'll just say I hope it doesn't tear me up to watch next season.
Also if you watch "Once Upon a Time" too omg PLS  I need someone who understands

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Peeking Cat

But I do kind of have some cool news to share. As stated in the little bio under the blog title I'm an avid writer a well as reader. Actually to be honest I don't write as much as I'd like but I get stuff out here and there. I hope one day to write a novel (which is super hard omfg) but I also write a lot of poetry. I never really thought of myself as a poet. Poetry just kind of comes out I guess sometimes. When it started accumulating I figured I might as well do something with it. To kind of get my work out there I decided to submit primarily poetry to various literary journals. I've had three poems published and one short story.
A couple days ago I got an acceptance letter to this UK journal called "Peeking Cat Poetry" (which is too perfect). They want a poem I submitted called "For the First Time." Which is really exciting! Yay! Very excite!
If anyone is interested in reading any work of mine that I actually take seriously just get in touch and I'd be more than happy to share some with you.
Okay that's all thanks BYE
Evidence of my excite

Sunday, April 12, 2015

This is Probably Why You're Afraid of Clowns (Non- YA Book Recommendation)

I did say I was going to back to Stephen King when I announced my hiatus from YA so I figured I should break my silence on my favorite adult fiction writer. (I'm currently reading "Doctor Sleep" in case you're wondering and it's super.)
My favorite book by Mr. King is "It." I read it because, once again, I wanted to watch the movie and I just hate watching things that are books before experiencing the book. It took me a long time to get through but it was so worth the time. People assume "It" is about this clown that eats children (which he does) but it's about so much more than that. The clown is hardly in the book really. It's more about this group of kids and their friendships and sigh it's actually super beautiful and made me kid of sad but in that pleasant way books do.
I think Stephen King has this reputation for being a horror novelist and don't get me wrong his stories are eerie and have startling images and I can totally see how they could scare people. However I don't think any of his (at least of the ones I've read) stories are meant to be scary at their heart. I like Stephen because it feels like all of his books are him just taking a scenario and asking what if? I remember reading this intro he did for the edition I have of "Pet Semetary" and (I'm going to try and paraphrase this story he tells) he's talking about when he moved to this little town for a teaching job with his wife and son where there was this highway in their front yard. One day his son was playing and (I think) chased something out onto the street. He almost got hit by a car but Stephen grabbed him in time. It made Stephen wonder what if I hadn't gotten him in time? (I'm not sure if I got that quite right but it was something like that.) And poof "Pet Sematary" was birthed.
Idk I just really like his books but I know they aren't for everyone.

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Kelsey's Classics 2 (Actually another YA Book Recommendation)

Okay so I realized that just because I was reading a non- YA book didn't mean I had to stop posting and I kind of missed going on and on about stuff only I care about so here I am.
My favorite book hands down is "Looking for Alaska" by John Green who is my favorite author. I aspire to be him when I grow up. "Looking for Alaska" is a book about grief and having to live with unanswerable questions and falling in love. The last part isn't actually a gigantic theme but it is in the story.
John has a real knack for writing interesting and complex female characters and Alaska Young is the epitome of those things. I love her so much my cat is named after her. Most of the time I feel like authors write female characters that every guy falls in love with and I'm like WHY???? Like in "Twilight" almost every guy in the book Bella's age wanted her and I couldn't for the life of me figure out why. She seemed boring and uninteresting to me. This shit irritates me when I'm reading a YA book because it happens a lot but not with Alaska. She made the people around her want to know more and kept them guessing without really trying. I understood the attraction.
John also embodies what I love most about YA writing which is its simplicity. I think regular adult fiction writers try too hard with their language to make it unique or try to make themselves sound smart by using obscure words. The beauty of YA is that they don't try to do that. There's a certain beauty in the simplicity of the language that makes you focus on the figurative language. If that makes sense. I guess I just mean they don't use big words or go on long spiels describing things.
But anyway "Looking for Alaska" holds a special place in my heart and I think you should give it a chance to make a home in yours too.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Some Can Touch This ("Shatter Me" Part 2)

Guess what? Okay, I'll tell you. I finished "Shatter Me" earlier and I don't think I've had this much to say about a book. I feel like I have to say there may be spoilers at the beginning of all of my posts but it feels redundant sigh. Anyway LET'S GET STARTED
Okay, once again I'm going to try to not include too much of the plot. Let's just say Juliette and Adam have been on quite the journey. Also I want to say that if there is a love triangle (Juliette, Adam, and Warner) I will be very frustrated. Is it too much to ask for there not to be a love triangle in a YA series???
Also be warned Juliette and Adam like want to bang all the time. Whenever they're around each other, which is most of the time, they can't keep their hands to themselves. Goddamn teenagers.
Besides the repetition I mentioned in my previous post there were some other things about the structure (?) of this book that I find troubling. I personally don't feel connected to any of the characters. Except maybe Juliette. I can't really identify why but I think it could be that there isn't enough dialogue. I know that Warner is a terrible guy but mostly because Juliette tells me so. I don't know what it is but I feel a disconnect. It also could be because there hasn't been a face put to this Reestablishment group mentioned. And we haven't gotten a real good look at the outside world that is in such shambles. The only real evidence we have of that is when Juliette and Adam go to his house where Adam's little brother James lives.
I'm so torn because this story is very very interesting and I definitely plan on seeing it through. We'll see if I get more invested in the next book.
Just so anyone who actually reads my posts knows, I'm planning on taking a break from YA for a little while which means I won't be posting for a bit. These books may be included in a non YA book recommendation post in the future but for now I'm going to go back to my one true Adult Fiction love (Stephen King <3333). Until next time!

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Can't Touch This ("Shatter Me" Part 1)

"Shatter Me" thus far has been quite perplexing but enjoyable. You know the drill, I'm half way through blah blah blah it's time to sit for a chat blah blah blah spoilers blah blah blah okay LET'S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD (what does that even mean).
"Shatter Me" is a dystopian novel by Tahereh Mafi that centers around a girl named Juliette. When we first meet Juliette she's locked up in an insane asylum basically and she's getting assigned a roommate which wtf roommates??? Who are both crazy??? Anyway. Which is when we meet Adam, a boy who is from Juliette's childhood. I believe they're both supposed to be 17. Ugh okay so I'm going to try REALLY hard not to include spoilers even though I want to. Because I do find the basic storyline, plot, idea or whatever you want to call it for this book very interesting.
HOWEVER (yes, it's a big however) the language in this book, I feel, gets a bit repetitive which sometimes is the point. There are parts where she literally repeats the same phrase or word three or more times in one sentence I guess because we're in Juliette's head and people repeat stuff in their head I suppose. But that's not the repetition that bothers me. The author describes some things multiple times (like Adam's eyes) and uses the same words or metaphors and sometimes uses cliche figurative language (like that his eyes are blue and deep like the ocean). So because of this sometimes I feel like yelling I GET IT HE HAS DARK BLUE EYES.
But at the same time, at least when I first started reading the book, I found the language to be very poetic and quite beautiful. So maybe she found a few metaphors or phrases that worked off the bat and is kind of beating them to death with the bat. Idk that's just the feeling I'm getting the more I read the book.
Don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying "Shatter Me" very much. I'm not really sure why but I am.
Oh, I forgot to mention for some reason Juliette can't touch anyone or it kills them. She basically drains their life force and absorbs it. That's kind of important to the story.
Side note: when you type dystopian it tries to correct it to Utopian. Idk I find that interesting I'm weird okay bye.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

WAH WAH WAH ("Where She Went" Part 2)

I finished "Where She Went" last night but I'm trying to not be too overbearing so I held off as long as I could on posting about it. But I feel like I might explode if I don't get to talk about this book so HERE WE GO also please assume there will be spoilers  okay great.
Omfg I don't even know where to start. I absolutely loved, as I said in my previous post, that "Where She Went" is from Adam's perspective. It was the perfect way to continue the story but make it new in a way. I believe these two books can be read separately and enjoyed individually. 
Ugh I don't even have words for how this books ends. I really don't want to tell you what happens but I think I have to. So we finally find out what happened to Mia and why she cut Adam out. She had to work through some shit without him which is totally understandable. I can forgive her for keeping Adam on her hook since she didn't exactly do it on purpose. Ugh I just have to stay it THEY GET BACK TOGETHER!!!! AND SHE'S THE ONE WHO BOUGHT HIS GUITAR!!!! Okay there I got it out. 
I'm just so happy it didn't end how I thought it would. The author kind of leads the reader to believe that Mia is just trying to give Adam the explanation he deserves. Adam thinks she's trying to give him closure. But we find out that she's been keeping tabs on him. After working through all of her anger she missed him and wanted him back but didn't feel like she deserved him. But yay happy endings.
If you're a sucker for love and happy endings then you're kind of required to read these books I'm sorry. 
UP NEXT: "Shatter Me" (which I think is part of a series but I'm not sure) by Tahereh Mafi

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

I hate being right :( ("Where She Went" Part 1)

Sigh sigh sigh so I started "Where She Went" and am about half way through. Let's discuss how we don't always get what we want. At this point if you're not weary of spoilers then idk there's probably no hope for you. LET'S GO
Reading the back of the book told me I was right in my predictions for what happens to Mia and Adam although obviously not exactly how I thought. Mia goes to Julliard. Adam's band takes off. They grow apart as people do. What's so tragic about this is that it wasn't mutual. Mia grew into New York and her new life and for seemingly no explanation doesn't include Adam. He tries desperately to hold onto Mia until it's painfully obvious she's already let him go.
Since this one is told through Adam's perspective (which I like) we don't really totally know where Mia is at. We know that Adam is not doing as well as the public might think. That Mia cutting him out didn't leave him unscathed. We know that Mia graduated early from Julliard and is starting a tour and that she may or may not be dating a big shot in the Classical Community.
This book makes me so sad. I think one of the saddest things that can happen is two people going through hell just to become strangers.
Sigh but hopefully, as "If I Stay" did, this one will have a more hopeful ending.

Sunday, March 1, 2015

THANK GOD ("If I Stay" Part 2)

Or whoever that I was totally right as usual (just kidding kind of).  I tore through this book like a bacon cheeseburger and just finished "If I Stay" which is by Gayle Forman I don't think I mentioned that in my previous post about this book. Without further adieu, let's commence the fangirling.
Ugh I'm having so much trouble trying to put into words why I loved this book so much. I guess I loved how obviously it's dealing with dark and tragic topics like death and loss but remains hopeful and beautiful in the end. Like it's so awful and horrifying that Mia lost her parents and little brother. That alone is traumatizing. But while in this "here but not here" state that she's in she's reminded that she hasn't lost everything, that her life can still go on. She just has to want it.
Adam's little plea to her at the end where he asks her to stay omfg  GO AWAY TOO MUCH LOVE. It was so nice to see their love develop in a way that felt organic. It wasn't love at first sight or perfect like YA lit can sometimes portray young love. The only thing that was perfect about Mia and Adam was that they fit together and once they did there was no pulling them apart.
UNLESS SHE BREAKS THEM UP IN THE SEQUEL OMFG I'm so scared to read "Where She Went" because I'm guessing Mia goes to Julliard and Adam's band does their thing and sigh stupid fictional life getting in the way of fictional love. 
 But I guess I'll find out and report back with my findings. 

Saturday, February 28, 2015

If I Can Stop Reading This Book ("If I Stay" Part 1)

Okay so I know you're probably getting sick of me (3 posts so quickly?? who am i??) But I'm halfway through "If I Stay" (and, spoiler alert, loving it) and am itching to gush so LET'S GO! Oh, wait, be careful of spoilers I may or may not include blah blah blah okay now LET'S GO
Alright so I actually wasn't super excited for this book. I guess I didn't want to get excited about something that had a bit of hype surrounding it. I was pleasantly surprised to find its exceeded my expectations.
This story, so far, has reminded me why I love young adult fiction. It's so much more than teen romance. Young adult literature tackles tough issues like death and broken homes and grief (I could go on forever probably) in a unique way and sigh I feel reinvigorated.
I love how Mia's family is depicted. It sounds so idealic to me to have parents like hers. It almost seemed too perfect but the author did include Mia's insecurity with not feeling like she belongs in her family which was a nice balance.
Also omfg ADAM. That little scene where he asks her to play him like a cello was so sweet and I loved it. He also seems a little too perfect but aren't they all?
Now I know the whole point of the book is that she has to decide if she wants to go be with her parents in whatever is after this life or stay and be with Adam and (maybe) her little brother. Since there's a second book I'm guessing she decides to live. But we'll see.
I'm rushing through this book so you'll probably hear from me again shortly.
Also I just realized I only have 100 pages to go. Oops.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"One to save the world, one to destroy it." ("The Enchantress" Part 2)

Welp I just finally ended my journey with Josh and Sophie Newman and sigh I suppose it's time to reminisce and what not. Beware of spoilers that may or may not be included in this post.
Okay so I don't remember a whole lot of the entire series but enough that this series coming to a close kind of makes me sad in a nostalgic way like Harry Potter except not as intense. I started this series when I was 17 and remember becoming so fascinated by all these new things I was learning through storytelling. I honestly believe "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel" has the potential to be held up against Harry Potter. It is as deeply complex and comes full circle in the same way. Ugh it's so beautiful I want to puke.
Now I absolutely recommend these books but there are some things you should be aware of before delving. There are a lot of characters. Like "Game of Thrones" amount (okay maybe not that many) and if you have a bad memory like me you might get confused sometimes. And, as I said in my last post about this book, the author includes a lot of obscure and not so obscure lore and mythology which you don't necessarily need to know but definitely enhances your reading experience if you do. Ugh and let me just say I thought I was going to be insanely heartbroken by the end of this book. So many people were dying and it looked like the "twins" would be separated. But it's not all doom and gloom thankfully.
What I'm trying to say is this a beautiful series that will probably make you smarter. Just saying.

I know I'm late to the party but "If I Stay" is next from my bookshelf.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Girliest of All (Make-Up Post)

NOT A BOOK POST (just so you know)!!!!
I get a lot of questions about makeup and what not because if you know me at all you'll know I have two faces. I really enjoy makeup and kind of nerd out (if that's possible when talking about makeup but I've done it so there you go) about makeup. SoOoOo I thought I'd kind of dole out some unsolicited advice about what I've learned and know about doing my own face. So if you're interested in that read on. HERE WE GO
Okay so let's start with the actual face. What kind of foundation (or lack there of) you use will depend on your skin type. I personally don't have super oily or super dry skin, although I do lean on the dry side on occasion like now since it's winter sigh. But because of that I don't use full coverage foundations. I find them to be too thick and heavy so I just like to use a BB cream which is basically just a tinted moisturizer which is perfect for light coverage and a bit more moisture. I like the Amazonian Clay BB cream by the brand Tarte. It is a higher end brand so it is kind of pricey so if you want one that basically does the same job I liked the CoverGirl BB cream too. Also, a good full coverage foundation for people with oily skin (or so I've heard) is the Revlon color stay foundation. I've never used it but so many people highly recommend it so if you've got the kind of skin, that foundation might be a good way to go.
(Side Note: I also like to use a Too Faced's Primed and Poreless primer it makes my face feel so smooth. Also I like this Garnier dark circle eye roller that I use as concealer I forget what it's called but it's really nice.)
Wow this is going to be a long post okay ONTO EYES. Eye makeup can be a bit intimidating so I'll just go through a quick rundown of what I do. I prime my eyes with Urban Decay's eye primer and then I line my upper lashes with a pencil liner. Now the way you do your eyeshadow (or don't) is up to you. I just us a bone color under my brows as highlight then I add usually taupes or browns into my crease for depth and I like to use golds or coppers on my lids. If you find eyeshadow intimidating (like I did omg so scary) I recommend trying Almay's intense eye color shadow trio's in your eye color. On my waterline I wear white eyeliner to make my eyes even bigger looking and one of the shadows I used in my crease to line my lower lash line. Then I add a layer of liquid liner over the pencil liner. As far as mascara goes I like Too Faced's Better Than Sex and when I say like I mean I WILL NEVER USE ANOTHER MASCARA EVER.
And we all know I love red lipstick. That's all you need to know about lips. Just wear red.
Well that's the basics pretty much. I'm not like super knowledgeable about this stuff but I know how to do my own face okay and get asked for advice or questions about the stuff I use so idk  I thought this might be helpful.
If you've read this whole thing omg bless you you're a trooper. Also here's a picture of my first face just so y'all know that I don't wear makeup because I'm insecure or hate my face. I just like it. Okay I'm done. The next post will be back to our regularly scheduled book nerdyness.

Monday, February 9, 2015

The Series for Smart People ("The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel: The Enchantress" Part 1)

Welp I'm halfway through "The Secrets of the Immortal Nicholas Flamel: The Enchantress" so let's have a chat. If you're into that kind of thing. here's the standard warning of spoilers that may or may not be in this post HERE WE GOOOO
Alright just so y'all know this is another series that I started many moons ago and am just now getting around to finishing. I'm a big ole lazy pants so I didn't re-read the previous books as a refresher as I should have done. I had to get reacquainted with the characters and the story which wasn't as easy as it was with the previous book I read. This one has six books in it and I'm on the last one so there was quite a bit I had to remember. 
The story centers around twins (I think they're 15. I'm not sure if that's relevant.) Sophie and Josh who get thrown into a mythical and magical world that's been in existence forever basically. The author of this series, Michael Scott, is like an expert in mythology and folklore and is a super smarty pants and it definitely shows in these books. I remember having to look up a bunch of shit while reading them (stuff I've since forgotten sigh). He used mythical characters already in existence to create a very interesting and complex story. As my title suggests, this is not a light read. Don't get me wrong, it's not "Lord of the Rings" or anything but it's probably as close as you can get with a YA series. 
I would try and explain a bit more of the plot but honestly I don't think I could do it justice. Like it deals with magic in the elements and alchemy(hence the inclusion of Nicholas Flamel as a character) and different worlds (called shadowrealms) and different time lines and powerful old creatures. Idk I think it's super cool.

Sunday, January 18, 2015

The Saddest of Sads ("TLOS: The Echantress Reurns" Part 2)

I actually finished "The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns" a couple of days ago I just haven't found time to post about it... UNTIL NOW MUHAHA (idk). Okay so I'm probably most definitely going to spoil stuff in this one so just beware but I have to  I HAVE TO okay let's go.
Ugh okay so all I can think about in regards to this book is how it ended and it kind of broke my heart. Like Alex decides to stay in the Land of Stories and her mom and Conner go back to the Otherworld (our world) without her. It just really made me sad because like they're twins and they're being separated. Idk like my family is very important to me and I can't imagine making a decision that would prevent me from ever being able to see them again. Just thinking about it makes me upset SO I'M MOVING ON
Of course, since this is essentially a fairy tale, all of the bad guys are vanquished which I do like. I thought it was a bit silly that Alex got rid of the Enchantress just by apologizing. Like that took all of her powers away. I thought that was kind of goofy but Alex is only 13 so I guess she is a bit young to be killing people.
Ugh I just hope the lil family is reunited in the next book.

UP NEXT: "The Enchantress" (lol) by Michael Scott
I actually already started this one

Thursday, January 8, 2015

The Land of Bad Bitches ("TLOS: The Enchantress Returns" Part 1)

Welp I'm halfway through "The Land of Stories: The Enchantress Returns" so I guess it's about that time to discuss and stuff. P.S. I spoil stuff sometimes so just be careful okay LET'S GO
I remember really enjoying the first book in this series when I read it a couple years ago. I really enjoyed the new take on fairy tales, which I'm noticing I'm constantly looking for in the books I chose to read.
This time around I'm finding the twins a bit irritating. Alex and Conner are both very stubborn and I guess that's really what gets me about them. It's the kind of thing where you're trying to explain to a kid why they can't do something and it's like talking to a cat. They don't listen. I guess since I'm becoming an old lady I'm just like LISTEN TO YOUR GRANDMOTHER STUPID KIDS UGH but I have to forgive them since they just want to help their mom.
Also wtf is up with all of these women and their revenge???? Like before it was the Evil Queen because of her man in the mirror and now this Enchantress bitch with her wah wah wah I was too good at stuff and people were jealous of me then I couldn't find a man. Like the rest of us have to get over it WHY CAN'T THEY??? Idk man.
I'm also noticing more and more that this is a book written for a much younger audience than myself. Just throwing that out there if you do chose to go on this adventure. Definitely a children's book.
So far: I enjoy very much
also omfg it's like three in the morning so yeah sorry if this post is weird or ugh idek okay I'm gong to bed now 

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Roller Coaster I Didn't Want to Get on ("Hollow City" Part 2)

Sigh so I just finished "Hollow City." Man, does Mr.Riggs know how to end a book. Blabbitty blah blah blah spoilers blah idk just be aware blah. HERE WE GO (p.s. this post might not make a lot of sense because this book did have a few twists in it towards the end that will totally ruin it if I'm too detailed so I'm going to be extremely vague)
I was curious as to how Riggs was going to keep this story going. It did all seem a bit to neat and easy going for the peculiar children. I was a bit suspicious and really I should have seen what happened coming. It was hinted at a bit now that I think about it but so subtly so the twist kind of smacked me in the face.
Now I don't normally appreciate books with twists. I don't find the read quite as fulfilling as anticipation; where you know what's going to happen and you're just waiting to see if you're right. I think anticipation of events makes me read a bit faster. I need to know if what I think is going to happen actually happens. With all of that said, I really enjoy the Peculiar series (there is going to be a third called "Don't Look Away" which sounds horrifying).
What I love about this series is how much it reads like a children's story but is obviously not meant for children. It's hard to explain. It makes me feel like a lil one again.
Overall: Kelsey like.

AND UP NEXT WE HAVE: The second book in "The Land of Stories" series (I don't remember what it's called oops) by Chris Colfer