I was curious as to how Riggs was going to keep this story going. It did all seem a bit to neat and easy going for the peculiar children. I was a bit suspicious and really I should have seen what happened coming. It was hinted at a bit now that I think about it but so subtly so the twist kind of smacked me in the face.
Now I don't normally appreciate books with twists. I don't find the read quite as fulfilling as anticipation; where you know what's going to happen and you're just waiting to see if you're right. I think anticipation of events makes me read a bit faster. I need to know if what I think is going to happen actually happens. With all of that said, I really enjoy the Peculiar series (there is going to be a third called "Don't Look Away" which sounds horrifying).
What I love about this series is how much it reads like a children's story but is obviously not meant for children. It's hard to explain. It makes me feel like a lil one again.
Overall: Kelsey like.
AND UP NEXT WE HAVE: The second book in "The Land of Stories" series (I don't remember what it's called oops) by Chris Colfer
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